The S.I.R.I.T. Centre is a training center where we allow persons with special needs to be creative and bring out the best out of themselves. Basically it is a social integration, rehabilitation, innovation and training center. The program was established as a result of rescuing children with disabilities who lacked opportunity to access normal school programmes owing to challenges associated with caring for persons with disabilities. The main objective of the program are;
Since its establishment, the program has impacted over 270 people affected by disability, mostly from Kiambu county.
Once socially included into the Utugi Angels Community, one is exposed to various skill development activities and through the centre there is a concentration on the person’s area of interest. Therefore, S.I.R.I.T is a competency-based curriculum set-up for inclusion of developing persons with disabilities who are diverse in capacities, hence individualized development in line with their specific areas of strength, hence maximizing individual capacities.
This in a normal kenyan education sector was generalized as ‘not capable to fit’ as opposed to the reality where the disabled children have diverse capacities of individualized development in e.g beadwork, weaving, cooking, horticulture, production of cleaning materials, animal husbandry and some are gifted and talented in various areas e.g. sports.
Currently, we have an activity room which doubles as a production unit or workshop for creative arts. We hope to achieve an innovation centre with inclusive internet access, mounted screens which will be used for teaching and directing new inventions, special seats per specific disability and equipment to carry out various activities e.g. Lathe machines for leather work purposes.
We also hope to be the best implementers of a competence based curriculum on special needs, since we have success stories in our works and CBC has proved very effective in transformation of persons with disabilities.
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