The need for Sanitary & Hygiene, nutrition, medical attention & individualized skill development for persons with disabilities in our communities pushed the need for maximizing their self-reliance which could only be achieved through development of cottage industries and market associations to enable job creation on pre-rated basis i.e profit based on the number of individual products. We are still growing our cottage industries to create job opportunities for the growing need.
Currently, we produce cleaning materials, milk, eggs, vegetables, handicrafts, interior furnishing i.e. curtains, throw pillows, coasters and carpets. This is as a result of skill development at THE S.I.R.I.T center.
We are still continuing on building on skills to enlarge our capacities of volume production which is a continuous process. However, we hope to achieve access to finances to enable us to buy more raw materials for these industries to increase production.
Our cottage industry has just introduced a bakery and food production industry where we are currently perfecting this skill for production and sales of e.g. Bread, cakes, fresh juices, tomato and chili sauces. We hope to venture into more mini-industries e.g Leather work.
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